Building customer relationships with a mailing list
By offering exclusive information or product offers not available on your website via weekly emailings, you can entice people to sign up to your mailing list. This gives you the chance to keep a regular connection between you and your (potential) customers.If you're truly stuck with what to offer by way of information, you could take the direct route and offer subscribers to your mailing list promotional codes they can use to get discounts from your online shop. This still gives them exclusivity (a reason to subscribe) - and strengthens the idea that you will be the 'go-to-man' for a particular product range for this customer.
You have a great web site with an excellent blog and lots of visitors. So you're doing a good job of promoting your site but you could be doing even more....
.....If your ecommerce site is like most on the Internet, people visit your site, and they either buy what your selling, or they don't, and in either case, they go away and don't come back unless they're interested (maybe) in buying what you sell. Or perhaps your site is one of those precious few that features a blog so potential customers have some other reason for visiting your site. If you do have a blog it is IMPERATIVE that your blog is not simply some commercial for your stuff, but is instead a reasonably objective set of articles regarding your entire market space. This way, visitors have some reason other than buying your products for visiting your site AND for staying there a little while. |
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