other posted in other news  on 1 February 2007
by Andrew Lang 
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Google, Pay-per-click, and click fraud

If you are running Google Ads, you may be wondering WHO is clicking on your adverts. Here is an interesting article on 'click fraud':-

openquoteClick fraud continues to be an issue for search engine advertisers, despite Google's claims that it is a negligible and self-correcting problem. Can we really trust Google to be telling the truth? Or is the search engine so addicted to PPC revenue that it might lie or at least redefine what clicks are considered fraudulent in the hopes of preventing a cost per action model from taking hold?

Internet advertising is now responsible for two percent of the current budget for all advertising. With pay per click responsible for the bulk of this money, click fraud (bogus clicks) has become a very important problem to advertisers and search engines alike. Both Google and Yahoo have made settlements to advertisers in court, and both have joined the IAB (Internet Advertisers Board) in an effort to standardize auditing and accreditation. Another reason the search engines joined the IAB is to show that they are actively policing click fraud.

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Quote courtesy of seochat.com

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