other posted in other news  on 5 January 2007
by Andrew Lang 
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How to Create Your Own Search Engine

Plain English Alert: plain English alert The term 'vertical search' really means a search engine that is specific to a particular subject. For example, a search engine that only returned results from Beatles tribute websites would be called a 'vertical search' engine - type 'Japan' into such a search engine and you will get results in regards to the Beatles only - their live gig at the Budokan in Tokyo, Yoko Ono etc - anything to do with The Beatles in regards to Japan.

On the other hand, Google provides a 'horizontal search' which means it will return ANYTHING about Japan if you search for 'Japan' - even an early '80s band.

Now though, vertical searching is becoming popular with new tools available to make it easy for your average Joe to make his own search engine - a good example of this is Google Co-op allowing you to add your own search engine to your website.

So what's in it for you?

Well, if you're a website owner, you could easily plug in your own Google Co-op search engine that has a vertical search particular to your sector/industry. You can choose which websites you want to include with the search, making it truly unique. This is another service you can add to your website. The normal objection to such a service is that it will drive traffic away from your site - while this is literally true when people are searching - they will come back to your site, most likely bookmark it, if your search engine is very useful to them - which is far better than just getting a few extra page views out of a unique visitor who never returns.

More info from this article:-

openquoteWhile much of the search world keeps its eyes focused on every move made by Google, Yahoo and Microsoft, hundreds of small vertical search engines have sprung up, along with several technology providers that enable them.

The world of search is such a dynamic place that you can find major developments taking place right under your nose that just aren't getting that much attention. Vertical search is one area where this is happening.

Link to full article

Courtesy of searchenginewatch.com

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