strategies posted in business strategies  on 18 September 2009
by Andrew Lang 
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Lazy Marketing

I get a load of emails everyday from SEO "companies" asking me to sign up to their services. The problem is - the vast majority never even leave a link to a website, or proof of previous work. They are making a bunch of promises in their email, which is normally sent from a GMail address, and that's it. The marketing "spiel" is indistinguisable from one another. Is it the same company? Are they really just spammers hoping I'll reply so they know my email account is active (and then sell my email to 3rd parties)?

I think it's just lazy marketing. People copy and paste an SEO marketing pitch, and use it for their own. It's done this way because it's easy and it's the path of least resistance. There's no time or money costs in sending a mailshot out in this way.

I'm not bothered about unsolicited mails - I think most companies should be allowed to send ONE mail to a targeted email address, it's just that it's a wasted opportunity not to spend more time on the email itself. They could :-
  • Leave a link to their website
  • Show proof of past successes
  • Detail costs, with direct links to "costs page" on their website
  • Speak in plain English and avoid jargon
  • Don't use a freemail address like GMail
Like many areas online, everyone is copying everyone else, creating great opportunities to distinguish yourself.

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