other posted in other news  on 4 January 2008
by Andrew Lang 
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Plans for 2008 - and how did I do in 2007?

First off, I wrote a news entry at the beginning of January 2007 citing all the plans for the puresilva template and the puresilva.com website. How did it go?

Well v2.0 of the template was released which answered the major plan to break the template away from a fixed layout. Now v2.0 has over 50 distinct designs to choose from.

The separate hosting service (for anyone to use, not just our own websites) - stronghost.co.uk - was launched in the summer which co-incided with a new server purchase.

And of course, several updates to the puresilva template software were made right through the year.

Plans for 2008

This year will see more updates to the website template:-
  • more design templates
  • A facility to grab the latest RSS feeds (based on a keyword search) - to inspire article writing for site owners
  • an option to have content of any page translated into another language
  • v2.0 to fully support UNICODE (e.g. Japanese characters)

Content Inspiration Facility

If your site is going to attract regular, repeat visitors (a key factor in increasing traffic), you'll need to steadily add interesting content to your site, so people will want to bookmark your site and check back to see what's new, or even subscribe to an RSS feed so they can check your latest blog entries from their RSS reader.

The problem is - writing new and original content to your site isn't an easy task - the most difficult area being the inspiration to find a topic to write about. I know this too, so later this year I'll be launching a tool to make finding WHAT to write about a lot easier for you. It will work like an RSS reader that presents you with a list of topic titles based on the latest news/articles posted around the internet. Instead of spending hours browsing the net for inspiration, everything will be brought to you.

All the best for 2008!

post by : Andrew Lang

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