Promoting your blog on Digg and Technorati
Rather than going to individual websites to read individual blogs, more and more people are going to websites like to read stuff that other users have recommended. This acts like a 'best of the web' filter via users 'digging' (voting for) the best blog articles.Technorati is a search engine dedicated only to blogs and lists results based on how new they are.
Both websites are very useful in giving your own blog / news section of your website a boost in readers.
Useful links :-
Sign up to Technorati here
How to integrate Digg to your website
More info on Technorati:-
There are more than 57 million blogs online. How do you find the good ones? A search engine specializing in blogs can help. This article reviews Technorati one of the most popular of the blog search engines and discusses how to optimize for it.... |
Link to full article
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More info on Digg:-
Digg is a digital media democracy. As a user, you participate in determining all site content by discovering, selecting, sharing, and discussing the news, videos, and podcasts that appeal to you.
Get popular. Once a submission has earned a critical mass of Diggs, it becomes “popular” and jumps to the homepage in its category. If it becomes one of the most popular, it qualifies as a “Top 10” (If a submission doesn’t receive enough Diggs within a certain time period, it eventually falls out of the “Upcoming” section.) |
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