other posted in other news  on 25 May 2009
by Andrew Lang 
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Simpler Backoffice and Future Plans

The backoffice of the puresilva website template is going to undergo some big updates over the next month or so. To start off, the "variables" section has had a long overdue update:-

new backoffice
Click to enlarge

Also in the next update there will be a big "switch" in the backoffice enabling you different kinds of views:-
  • Dead simple view - hides all but the most essential items in backoffice to get you started
  • Full on view - everything is shown
Also coming soon after that :-
  • Backoffice 'theme' for pubs/clubs
  • Backoffice 'theme' for hotels
  • Backoffice 'theme' purely for online sellers
  • Backoffice 'theme' for bloggers
  • etc
Each theme is just like the simple/full options, except the backoffice facilities relevant to the theme will be shown.

For example, if you select the 'pub/club' theme for the backoffice, you'll see something like :-
  • Backoffice home
  • Add/edit pub event
  • Add/edit general page
  • Add/edit food menu
  • General website settings
That's it. So the backoffice is stripped down and tailored to meet the central needs for pub/club website. If they wanted to add some stuff to sell on the site, they could "add" the backoffice shop facilities to their pub/club theme - yes, there will be an option to tailor the backoffice so it shows just the facilities you want to see there.

A hotel may have similar items to the pub/club these plus a room reservation facility in the backoffice.

The purpose is to keep the backoffice as simple as it can be, since there's an awful lot of facilities in there at the moment. Most people use a limited amount of the available facilities, so it makes sense to streamline the backoffice to the needs of the individual, while always giving them the "full option" at any time.

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