posted in search engine optimization  on 6 January 2007
by Andrew Lang 
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The HTML Page Title and Meta Description

When you see search results, you normally see them formatted like this:-

Acme Hiphop
For all the latest hip-hop records and clothing

The blue text is actually taken from the HTML page title of a web page, the black text from the Meta description. If there is no Meta description, it's taken from the first text a search engine spider can find from the web page - which can sometimes be something abstract like the menu (not very useful!)

It's important to have clear, descriptive HTML titles and Meta descriptions that describe the particular page they are on, not the website in general.

They are very very important - not only for search engines, but for humans to determine whether they should click on a search engine result or not. It's all very well getting in the top-10 results, but will your Page Title and Meta Description 'sell' the page to the searcher?

"So where do I actually add/edit my HTML title and Meta description on my web pages?"

HTML Title:

<TITLE>This is an HTML title</TITLE>

Meta Description:

<meta name="Description" content="This is a meta description">

More info here:-

openquoteNever underestimate the importance of the page title and meta description - they're used by both search engines and people to judge your website.closequote

Link to full article

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