other posted in other news  on 3 December 2013
by Andrew Lang 
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Windows Live Mail Seems to Encourage Phishing

We all get phishing emails - your NatWest account has been suspended, your eBay account has been compromised, etc. They are bogus emails trying to scare you into giving away your details. They will always contain some kind of link within the email that they want you to click on. This link takes you to a page that looks ostensibly like a legitimate site and it's there that they hope you will "login" and reveal your username / password of whatever account they're trying to get details of.

Anyway, I also get these and while they do slip through spam filters, I've noticed that Windows Live Mail (my email client) doesn't reveal where the links actually go to - not even when you rollover them :-

Surely it wouldn't be hard to by default clearly highlight where each link was going to, like this :-

Asking for too much?

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