puresilva blog
View By Category | View By Month | View By LatestWeb Developers Need SEO Skills Too
30 June 2011
Making a website and marketing a website are different disciplines, but they are actually closely related due to the technical nature of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay Per Click) market...more info>>>
Why Blekko Finds It Hard to Compete Against Google
27 June 2011
I'm all for championing the underdog, and perhaps I even have a built-in bias against the dominant players in any market. A good example: there's just something wrong when people claim to support Man...more info>>>
Ezilon.com Directory Voucher Code - s1z8v
3 June 2011
I've been notified of a voucher code that's valid through June 2011 for the human-review directory - ezilon.com. The voucher code is : s1z8v - using the code will give you 30% off your website submis...more info>>>