other posted in other news  on 29 January 2009
by Andrew Lang 
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puresilva spider let loose

We've launched our own site crawler which crawls all 100+ puresilva websites and finds the latest products / articles added and lists them here. Each site is crawled once per 3 hours 24/7, so our own engine crawls our sites faster than Google (then again, we're not burdened with trying to index the entire internet, just 100+ sites :) ).

This is part one of a series of updates which will eventually see a mature search engine for the entire puresilva network, as well as allow each puresilva site owner to have their own profile/updates page on puresilva.com which they can update via their own site's backoffice allowing them to post information about future plans and products for their site on puresilva.com.

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