Twitter Advertisement Service - Reach 311,971 Followers!

How does it work?
On, your business will be advertised in 10 separate tweets per day, everyday - that's 300 tweets per month. These are tweeted to an aggregate total of 311,971 followers (as of 20 April 2024), with the aggregate total of followers growing at around 2000 per day. The 311,971 total number of followers are spread over 7 accounts (listed here). An average tweet is seen by around 446 people in each account - assuming 1% of your followers see each tweet (remember that Twitter is like live TV, people almost exclusively view their live stream of tweets when they're on Twitter). With an average click-through rate (a click on a tweet to your website) of around 2%, that equates to 2674 click-throughs to your website per month. Calculation is based on 300 tweets * 446 impressions * 0.02 (2% click-through rate) = 2674 clicks to your website per month, or 0.75p per click. Bear in mind that the impression rate is only going to climb higher (from 446 upwards) as each account gains more and more active followers.

Show me these Twitter accounts - I want some proof!
Of course - here is the raw (and live) data to show you where your business will be advertised:- Twitter accounts live stats (opens in new window). Each account represents a particular sector - fashion (2 accounts), home and garden, B2B, health and beauty, art and design, IT. 4 of your daily tweets would be published on the account closest to your own particular category (e.g. if you sold beauty products, 4 tweets would be posted per day on the health and beauty Twitter account, with 1 tweet posted on each of the other 6 accounts per day (total = 10). While each Twitter account has a following shaped around the category it's in (e.g. lots of businesses follow the B2B account), it would be foolish to discount completely the value of advertising at least once a day to each of the 7 accounts - as they have their own follower sets (very little crossover between any of the accounts in terms of followers) - and there is a LOT of serendipity occurring on Twitter - people retweeting or recommending something they've seen to a potential buyer of your product or service.

What would the ads look like?
4 ads would be created by ourselves (you don't need to do anything). All ads will contain links back to your site, and an embedded image within each Tweet (embedded images attract more clicks / retweets). These 4 separate ad designs would be published a total of 10 times per day (not 10 each, but a total of 10). You are guaranteed a full calendar month of advertisements published (10 per day). So it doesn't matter if the campaign starts a day after you sign-up, you get a full month (e.g. 29th December to 29th January).

Is advertising on Twitter REALLY effective though?
I've been building up a following on Twitter since July 2014 - starting with 2 accounts. Since then, I've slowly but surely expanded my reach on the Twitter platform to 7 accounts and 311,971 followers (growing at around 800 per day as I write), and employing an assistant to do a lot of the arduous work of building follower accounts on Twitter (it's a manual process, and Twitter is all about ACTIVITY, so getting ACTIVE followers takes time and patience). Without any tangible rewards between July 2014 and now (April 2024), I would have quit a long time ago - marketing is like that. If you don't get results, you try something new. If you get some results, it encourages you to work harder and scale up your efforts. That's exactly how it's all unfolded so far.

How much would it cost me to advertise?
£20 per month, and you can cancel at any time. £20 equates to 1.337p per click (click from Twitter to your website) based on our aforementioned equation (2674 clicks / 2000p). With the follower count growing quicky (800 per day), that cost per engagement is only going to go DOWN further.

Interested in Advertising on Twitter?

I am choosing to purchase the Twitter advertising service described above for my website ( I understand I will be charged £20 per month. I understand I can cancel at anytime.

Step 1: Enter the URL of the website you'd like to advertise:

secure payment by PayPal


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