content posted in content  on 15 January 2007
by Andrew Lang 
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Do not rely soley on search engines

openquoteImagine one day you flip on your PC, log on to the Internet and go to The browser alerts you and says that there's no website found at that address. No problem you think, as you head on over to Same thing. No website found at that URL. Now something seems fishy, go to because you know Microsoft will never run out of money, and their search engine will be up. Nope, instead you get another alert box telling you that there is no website found at that URL.

Imagine no search engines!

Imagine an Internet world where no search engines exist, and anyone trying to make a living online selling a product or service has to be found. Where would you start? Where would you list your site(s)? How would you get your site found by your potential customers?

This is the mentality you should always take when promoting your website. Sure, it'd be great to have top rankings in the search engines, and get all of that free targeted traffic coming to your site. But just as easily as you achieve that ranking, you could lose it overnight - with a simple filter change in the algorithm.

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