puresilva blog
View By Category | View By Month | View By Latestpuresilva home page now PR6
31 October 2009
After a recent PageRank update, it appears the home page of puresilva.com has a PageRank of 6. Is PR important? It is and it isn't. There's not much relationship between high PR and ranking well...more info>>>
Use FAQs on Your Website
15 October 2009
Why use an FAQ?Because it allows you to anticipate, and then answer your visitors questions right there and then and you can save your visitor hunting around for the answer to commonly asked questions...more info>>>
Pay-for-Review Directories Help Your Search Engine Rankings
11 October 2009
Pay-for-review directories are a great way to increase your search engine rankings, since they are reviewed by humans, and if you fail the review, your site is not included. That sounds risky, but it...more info>>>