puresilva blog

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Simpler Backoffice and Future Plans
25 May 2009
The backoffice of the puresilva website template is going to undergo some big updates over the next month or so. To start off, the "variables" section has had a long overdue update:- Click to enla...more info>>>

Optimal Web Design
14 May 2009
Probably the most contentious issue I face with web development is aesthetics : the "look and feel" of a website. Ask 10 people what's a good colour scheme, layout, font etc and you'll get back 11 op...more info>>>

Short-Term and Long-Term Trust
13 May 2009
A couple of years ago I wrote an article about trust (How to look like a trusted website). The article title seems a bit dodgy - surely if you ARE trustworthy, then you will LOOK trustworthy? Not al...more info>>>