puresilva blog
View By Category | View By Month | View By LatestMarketing Is All About Improving Your Product/Service
30 June 2010
A while ago I wrote about push and pull marketing and how the market has moved away from push to pull i.e. cold calling and interrupting people (push) is less effective because it's gotten much easier...more info>>>
puresilva Website V Selling With an eBay Shop
23 June 2010
This is a bit of a false dilemma of course as you don't need to choose between :-Selling with a puresilva website ORSelling on a platform like eBay....you can sell on both of course, but let's compare...more info>>>
Five Mistakes Still Being Made By Websites in 2010
1 June 2010
Here are 5 mistakes websites still make in 2010 - I call them mistakes because they just get in the way of the visitor. Talking like a brochureTalking as if you're the CEO of some international congl...more info>>>