puresilva blog
View By Category | View By Month | View By Latest10 Reasons Why Shoppers Are Abandoning Your E-commerce Website
29 July 2014
The big question that every e-commerce website owner wants to know the answer to is : why did somebody abandon their basket on my site? There are many reasons why that might be, and the infographic be...more info>>>
puresilva Website V Selling With an eBay Shop
23 June 2010
This is a bit of a false dilemma of course as you don't need to choose between :-Selling with a puresilva website ORSelling on a platform like eBay....you can sell on both of course, but let's compare...more info>>>
New upsell facility for the template
20 July 2008
A new "upsell" facility has been added to the puresilva website template. This allows online sellers to "upsell" items in a number of different ways:- Volume discounts, or even promotions like two f...more info>>>
puresilva now supports Google Checkout
10 December 2007
Google Checkout has been included as a means for shoppers to pay on a puresilva website. The puresilva website owner must first make sure he/she has a Google Checkout account. Shoppers must also hav...more info>>>
meanshopper.com Shopping Portal
27 October 2007
We have just launched a new shopping portal (meanshopper.com). The portal will display a large range of items from a number of different sellers, from electric bikes to pashminas to handbags. Shoppe...more info>>>
'Make an Offer' facility piloted on planetfashionsuk.com
9 July 2007
We have just developed a new facility - now being trialled on planetfashionsuk.com - allowing website visitors to bid on items being sold. More details here....more info>>>
puresilva e-commerce now supports multiple currencies
28 February 2007
Our e-commerce solution now supports multiple currencies. Visitors will see product prices in their local currency automatically like this:- £1.95 (136.52 THB) The above example shows an item p...more info>>>
Give your customers a choice of how to pay
23 January 2007
The most likely place for a visitor to abandon their purchase on an e-commerce website is right at the point of payment. This is often attributed to an attack of conscience - the need to save money b...more info>>>
PayPal easier to use than Google Checkout according to survey
22 January 2007
Let's hope Google score higher next time - choice is good for customers if bad for PayPal. Google Checkout ranked far below payment service PayPal in a customer-satisfaction survey of online shoppe...more info>>>
E-commerce making more profits and costing less in 2007
18 January 2007
According to Actinic's latest annual survey, 90% of company web sites are profitable; and on average, companies that implement ecommerce find it costs 40% less than they anticipated. But only one in t...more info>>>