puresilva blog
View By Category | View By Month | View By LatestGoogle Translate Bug - Pounds = Euros
28 February 2010
If you've installed Google Translate on your website, try converting your English language site to German, then check your product prices:- Your English language site showing pounds sterling...Go to ...more info>>>
Signs of a Dodgy SEO Company
23 February 2010
If my inbox is anything to go by, SEO is a huge growth market because I'm now getting around 10-15 mails a day (across my mailboxes) promising me better rankings from various service providers. Wher...more info>>>
puresilva website template reaches v3.00
9 February 2010
With incremental update releases happening on at least a weekly basis to the template, the version number has been ticking over like an odometer. So it's really more incidental than anything else tha...more info>>>