puresilva blog
View By Category | View By Month | View By LatestGoogle's Tail Continues to Wag the Dog
7 August 2014
Google have been acting as a de facto (and unelected) "government of webmasters" for a few years now, and their latest "law" shows just how much control they have over all webmasters who see Google as...more info>>>
Are Google Worried They Might Lose Money if They Update Penguin?
30 July 2014
An interesting theory posited over at webmasterworld.com here - to quote:- Do you think google hasn't done an analysis of how much recovery there will be on the next penguin refresh? What if they c...more info>>>
Aaron Wall v Google
27 January 2014
Aaron Wall's latest analysis on Google reads like a modern version of Catch-22 - which sums up a lot of the logical sinkholes you'll find yourself falling down when hit with any kind of Google penalty...more info>>>
Does Great Content Rank Well in Google?
16 May 2013
Listen to Matt Cutts (chief PR man of Google's spam team), and he'll tell you to write great content. He doesn't say you'll rank well if you do so, but he keeps telling us to write great content. It...more info>>>
New Keyword Research Service from Puresilva
2 January 2012
Despite all the hype about Facebook and Twitter as platforms to promote a business, the search engines Google still provides the most targeted, intent-driven traffic to websites. The difference betwe...more info>>>
BOTW.org Voucher / Promo Code: STUFFED50
29 November 2011
If you submit your website here to botw.org directory today, you will receive 50% off listings (today only) - just enter this voucher code: STUFFED50...more info>>>
Google PageRank Outage: Glitch or Ditch?
6 October 2011
Since about 3AM UK time, every website has a page rank of zero (including google.com, bbc.co.uk, facebook.com). This may be a glitch as it's only been a few hours, but if it's a deliberate ditch by G...more info>>>
Imagine an Alternative Internet
16 September 2011
Imagine an internet that was a true meritocracy where the best content, best services, and best products naturally got the most coverage in the search engine results. The better your site, the more s...more info>>>
Internet Dystopia: Page Rank Obsessives and Automated Linking
22 July 2011
The humble website link used to be something that simply connected one page to another. A little blue underlined "click here" that took you "there" because a person genuinely found an interesting web...more info>>>
Web Developers Need SEO Skills Too
30 June 2011
Making a website and marketing a website are different disciplines, but they are actually closely related due to the technical nature of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay Per Click) market...more info>>>
Why Blekko Finds It Hard to Compete Against Google
27 June 2011
I'm all for championing the underdog, and perhaps I even have a built-in bias against the dominant players in any market. A good example: there's just something wrong when people claim to support Man...more info>>>
Ezilon.com Directory Voucher Code - s1z8v
3 June 2011
I've been notified of a voucher code that's valid through June 2011 for the human-review directory - ezilon.com. The voucher code is : s1z8v - using the code will give you 30% off your website submis...more info>>>
BOTW.org Voucher / Promo Code: FEB20
2 February 2011
botw.org are offering 20% off listings this month on their directory - just enter the code FEB20 when submitting your site for a 20% discount. I'd count botw.org in the top 3 directories in terms of ...more info>>>
Page Rank Update January 2011
21 January 2011
So it's finally happened - the first Page Rank update by Google update since 2nd April 2010 (on the day Google announce Larry Page, which Page Rank is actually named after, is becoming the new CEO of ...more info>>>
Quality Directory Bargains - business.com and botw.org
28 December 2010
First off, there's a great deal on at business.com - listings are just $149 per year to get listed (half price down from $299 per year) - this is one of the high quality directories that will give you...more info>>>
Google, Where Are My Search Results?
12 October 2010
Google has slowly but surely relegated its actual search results further and further down the page over the years. Actually, in 2010, if you browse in common resolutions like 1024 x 768 or 1280 x ...more info>>>
Is Google Getting Rid of PageRank?
10 October 2010
It's been a good 6 months since the last major PageRank update (early April). July came and went without an update, and now October is showing a conspicuous silence from the Chocolate Factory over at...more info>>>
Which Social Networks Help Get My New Web Pages Indexed Quicker?
1 September 2010
When you post something new on your blog, you want the search engines to pick up this new article/content as soon as possible. A high speed of indexing indicates that search engine spiders like your ...more info>>>
Why Linking To Other Websites Is A Good Thing
11 April 2010
When we think of links, it's normally in a selfish way: we want to GET links to point to our website, and we will only GIVE links if there's some kind of quid pro quo involved. A reciprocal link exch...more info>>>
Signs of a Dodgy SEO Company
23 February 2010
If my inbox is anything to go by, SEO is a huge growth market because I'm now getting around 10-15 mails a day (across my mailboxes) promising me better rankings from various service providers. Wher...more info>>>
100 free one-way links for anyone who purchases a puresilva template
20 January 2010
It's tough starting out with a brand new domain and no websites linking to you. So we're now offering anyone who signs up to our template 100 free one-way links. This will include 3 PR3 links too (g...more info>>>
Pay-for-Review Directories Help Your Search Engine Rankings
11 October 2009
Pay-for-review directories are a great way to increase your search engine rankings, since they are reviewed by humans, and if you fail the review, your site is not included. That sounds risky, but it...more info>>>
New Keyword Suggestion Tool
28 September 2009
Another tool added to the (completely free) puresilva toolbox:- Keyword Suggestion Tool This tool allows you to find alternative keywords that are being used by searchers to find things. These ...more info>>>
Quick and Easy Way to Find Popular Keywords in Google
25 September 2009
Just type the first few letters of a root keyword you're targeting into Google like the image above. Google will suggest keywords based on those first few letters. You will often find a few surprise...more info>>>
Use Google Adwords to Discover the Best Keywords
2 September 2009
It's easy to focus too much on quantity of visitors coming to your website, and not so much on the QUALITY. After all, quantity is very easy to measure, quality a little less so. Search engine vi...more info>>>
Google's FREE keyword tool
1 December 2008
This is a great free tool to find keywords (from Google):- Google Search-based Keyword Tool. Enter your website domain name, and the facility lists keyphrases that people are actually using to f...more info>>>
Contextual links: quick and easy boost to search engine rankings
9 November 2008
Here is an example of contextual links:- The green underlined text are contextual links - links within a body of text. Search engines love these types of links and for that love, they reward s...more info>>>
Search Engine Optimization in 2008
27 October 2008
I've written a lot about search engine optimization on this blog, but I think it's about time to consolidate the latest SEO techniques into one convenient article! The purpose of this article is to te...more info>>>
Free Google sitemap creation and submission with all templates
11 October 2008
We now offer a free service for all of our customers - a Google sitemap of their website created and submitted to Google. This helps Google understand the structure of their website and in turn has a...more info>>>
Google Suggest
27 August 2008
Google have rolled out the new Suggest feature on Google.com (see screenshot). This COULD impact search in the following ways:- Less misspelled searchesLess long tail searches as people opt for su...more info>>>
Dofollow blogs - great way to link build and share advice
23 August 2008
Dofollow blogs are blogs which do not use the rel="nofollow" tag. In other words, if you get a link from a Dofollow blog to your website, search engines will count this link toward your own website's...more info>>>
Over 1000 links pages listed on our links search engine
16 July 2008
Our links pages search engine now lists over 1000 quality links pages. This is a great archive for those looking for quality links pages to add their link to. We determine quality by:- How many cl...more info>>>
Quality link pages search engine launched
13 February 2008
We've just launched our link pages search engine allowing you to find genuine quality link pages to place your link on. These link pages have scored 7 (out of 10) or higher using our link page checke...more info>>>
Link Verifier Tool
21 January 2008
A new tool has been added to our website "toolbox" - the Link Verifier. This is to save you time browsing link partner pages to see if your link is present. Just enter the URL of the page you want...more info>>>
Google Webmaster Tools and keyword analysis
17 January 2008
This article talks about Google Webmaster Tools. You'll need a Google account to use GWT - you can sign up to a free Google account here if you haven't already done so. If you're already logged in...more info>>>
The importance of deep links
12 December 2007
This article assumes you have SOME knowledge regarding link popularity and link building for your website. It's an introduction to deep links. What is a "deep link"?Quite simply, a deep link is a lin...more info>>>
Free one-way links
6 October 2007
Our Recommended Links Pages Directory was launched some time ago, but without much promotion. So, we'd like to remind you again of this because you can get yourself multiple free one-way links by...more info>>>
Links page checker tool
9 June 2007
We have just developed a new tool to check the value of a prospective link partner's link page - you can find this facility here :- Link page checker tool. ExplanationWhen considering a website to ex...more info>>>
Manual directory submission service launched
21 May 2007
We have just launched our own manual directory submission service - a quick way to get 62 one-way links to your site for just £29.95. All web directories have a minimum PageRank (PR) of 4 (home page ...more info>>>
Recommended directories for link building
19 May 2007
Below is a list of directories we recommend for link building. We've found that links within each directory get indexed by search engines (an obvious necessity), and also the links themselves feature...more info>>>
A quick way to measure search engine rankings
18 May 2007
This site offers a very fast way to see where you (and your competitors) rank in a variety of keywords:- http://www.seodigger.com/...more info>>>
Monitor your website's link equity
13 May 2007
It's a good idea to understand how your PR (PageRank) value spreads throughout the pages of your site. The page with the highest PR on your website is most likely to be the home page as this is the p...more info>>>
Backlink checker tool
15 April 2007
A good backlink checker tool we found:- http://www.backlinkwatch.com/ It's a little slow, but that's because it's thorough. You get the page rank of each link to your site and the anchor text u...more info>>>
Help search engines identify your page
3 April 2007
A follow-on from the previous post about Google Adsense, here's a summary of how to help search engines categorise and identify the nature of your page's content (remember, spiders want to identify in...more info>>>
Identifying good link partners
23 March 2007
Following up from our previous entry about reciprocal linking, here's a quick check-list to appraise potential website link partners (i.e. websites to swap links with):- Prospective link partner ha...more info>>>
Reciprocal linking: the good, the bad and the ugly
16 March 2007
Reciprocal linking is a big part of your SEO (search engine optimization) campaign for your website. Here we list some do's and don'ts to encourage quality, relevant websites to link to you. The fol...more info>>>
Spying on the competition
21 January 2007
A useful extension for Firefox:- SEO for Firefox This allows you to find all kinds of things out about each domain listed in either Google or Yahoo! when you do a search. Find out all this abou...more info>>>
Don't pay for SEO - just be natural
19 January 2007
Plain-English guide / jargon refresher: SEO stands for Search Engine Optimis(z)ation; it's the practice of altering your website's content (to 'optimise' it) so as to give it higher rankings in the se...more info>>>
The puresilva Google and Yahoo! rank checking facility
16 January 2007
You can find out where you rank with our new facility launched a few days ago:- Search Engine Rank Checker It checks the top-100 results in Google and stores the results in a grid so you can com...more info>>>
SEOchat.com - Good SEO Advice
14 January 2007
A good search engine optimization forum worth bookmarking and reading regularly is SEOChat.com. You can normally get answers to your questions within minutes by either using the keyword search to fin...more info>>>
Is it Worth It to Follow the Google 80/20 Rule?
7 January 2007
Plain English Guide: 80/20 refers to this :- When optimizing your website for search engines, spend 20% of your time with optimizing your actual web pages - i.e. the content and the HTML, and 80% of y...more info>>>
The HTML Page Title and Meta Description
6 January 2007
When you see search results, you normally see them formatted like this:- Acme Hiphop For all the latest hip-hop records and clothing http://www.acmehiphop.co.uk The blue text is actually taken...more info>>>
The Future: Search Engines Edited by Humans, Not Algorithms
31 December 2006
Search Engine Optimization strategies change from time-to-time, but quality content is a constant necessity for promoting and keeping visitors to your website. The following article shows that sea...more info>>>